On-Site Generated Cleaners

Are you looking for on-site generated cleaners? GenEon has the best on-site generated cleaners available. Our on-site generated cleaners, sanitizers, and disinfectants are the ideal way to save money and avoid the need to keep potentially harmful chemical-based cleaners on hand. This is because consumers produce only the cleaners they need, resulting in less waste and better control over inventory.

GenEon's Has the Best On-Site Generated Cleaners
GenEon's on-site generated cleaners are produced by a process called electrochemical activation (ECA). It works like this: One of the natural minerals that GenEon uses as a catalyst is salt. Salt is a compound comprised of sodium and chloride. Sodium ions are positively charged and chloride ions are negatively charged. GenEon Onsite Generators expose these ions to a low electrical charge. The positive side of the charge electrochemically converts the chloride ion (Cl) to hypochlorous acid (HOCl), which is a powerful sanitizer. The negative side of the charge electrochemically converts the sodium ion (Na) into sodium hydroxide (NaOH), which is a cleaning compound commonly found in soaps and detergents. Unlike many other OSG systems, GenEon's system is a Blended Stream System that uses both versions in the same solution. The hypochlorous solution is represented as Free Available Chlorine (FAC) that has 80-200 times the sanitizing power of chlorine bleach. Since it is produced at a near neutral pH, it won't bleach out furniture or clothes. This is called electrolyzed water for cleaning; and GenEon is the leader in on-site generation of Electrolyzed Water for on-site generated cleaners.

GenEon is Leader in On-Site Generated Technology
We are also the leaders in on-site generation technology. Our InstaFlow is a compact system perfect for high-volume on-site generated cleaners, sanitizers, and degreasers, and our Immerse-A-Clean Wand provides portable on-site generation technology. We also offer advanced delivery systems capable of evenly and effectively distributing our safe on-site generated cleaners over large open areas or in small, hard-to-reach areas. Our products and advanced cleaning systems are ideal for commercial and residential settings. If you want to learn more about GenEon's on-site generation technology, call us at 866.217.0205. We'll be happy to speak with you about how you can bring GenEon products into your business.

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