
Private clinics are a competitive industry where image and appearance matters. Creating a safe environment where the risk of spreading infections is minimized and patients feel protected from exposure to both harmful bacteria and harsh cleaning chemicals is vital.

Clinics are often very high traffic places and can see a multitude of germs entering their environment. It is extremely important to keep all areas of your clinic clean and free of the various harmful bacteria such as: Listeria, MRSA, Staph, VRE, Pseudomonas, Norovirus, Salmonella, and E.coli O157:H7, Bacillus subtilis, Polio, Bacteriophage, and TB. GenEon's cleaning solution supplies effectively and efficiently eliminate greater than 99.999% of common germs in less than 30 seconds. Not only do our products do their job, they are also safe for all users and those who are exposed or who handle the cleaning solutions.

GenEon cleaning solution supplies can meet all of the cleaning requirements at your clinic while remaining an affordable part of your budget. Since most private clinics have significant control over their cleaning solution supplies and procedures, the transition over to GenEon solutions is seamless and easy.

Storage space is premium real estate in a clinic, and GenEon cleaning solution supplies solves this problem. You make what you need and in the amount you need for the job. No waste and no storage of large quantities of hazardous toxic chemicals.

Taking safety one step further, GenEon solutions are color coded for easy use by anyone. This reduces the possibility of misuse or damage to any surfaces if an employee was to misread or misunderstand the wording of one of our cleaning supplies. Instead, our simple color-coded system allows for straightforward communication to users everywhere so that less effort is needed to remember product names and more time can be spent on patient care.

GenEon products like the TRIO Rx are ideal for staff to be able to disinfect waiting and treatment rooms after each visit. This will provide the safest possible environment for all patients while leaving smells from harmful VOC behind.

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