Ambulance Service

In past years, a struggling economy saw many ambulance companies take a major hit. More recently however, an improving economy and the institution of the Affordable Care Act means good news for this industry. This period of transition is a perfect opportunity to rid older, outdated cleaning techniques and make way for the next generation of more efficient, chemical-free, and environmentally friendly practices.

GenEon's commercial cleaning solutions and the portable Mist device are ideal for cleaning and disinfecting the high demand environment of an ambulance. Our toxin-free solutions make cleaning any surface safe while prolonging the life of your valuable equipment. The germ killing and disinfectant properties of GenEon solutions will also leave you confident that patients will be protected from harmful germs.

Used by Cascade Ambulance:

GenEon's commercial cleaning solutions are already the most cost effective cleaning option for any industry. They are efficient and produce only the amount of solution that is needed on-site and without any wasted resources. In addition to this wallet-friendly technology, portable GenEon products allow for one unit to service multiple ambulances. The portability of these products means there is no need for several wall mounted units in situations where saving money is a priority. More demanding environments, however, can take advantage of this efficient and easy to use cleaning system that allows for flexibility in its installation and offers maximum productivity where it is needed most.

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