
Cleaning supplies play a vital role in the hotel industry nationwide because having a freshly cleaned room and a sparkling bathroom after each guest visit is essential. The best bathroom cleaners, sanitizers and disinfectants must be used. The best does not mean toxic chemical cleaners! GenEon products deliver exceptional cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting power without the use of harmful chemicals. With a high turnover rate of guests and a constant need to be clean rooms, hotels must pay close attention to maintaining a low cost per room when it comes to all of the cleaning supplies they use.

We know that "clean" isn't good enough for hotels every room must also be sanitized and disinfected after each stay. This is a daunting task for hotels that often also means on-site storage of bulky, hazardous toxic chemicals. Storage issues, while a problem, take the backseat to the potential health dangers faced by hotel cleaning staff and even guests. Staff handling and mixing chemicals sets the stage for mishaps. Spills and misuse of chemicals can cause lasting and irrecoverable harm to employees. Guests may also come into contact with chemicals, and if they have sensitivities to chemicals, even residually there could be big problems. GenEon products eliminate these concerns altogether and save your hotel money while delivering powerful cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting solutions that are safe for people, animals, and the environment. GenEon carries your solution for every area of your hotel, including the best bathroom cleaners.

GenEon products are not only ideal for keeping costs low and efficiency up, but their environmentally friendly technology and toxic-free solutions are the safest possible option for large businesses like hotels. Exposing cleaning staff to large amounts of harsh cleaning supplies every day can be dangerous and costly for the hotel in the long term. GenEon solutions are the answer to all of your cleaning and needs and safety concerns.

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