Definition Of Terms & Frequently Asked Questions

Definition of Terms OSG: On-Site Generator

FAC: Free Available Chlorine

PPM: Parts Per Million

Potable Water: Drinkable Water

GLP: Good Lab Practices.

pH: Potential of Hydrogen

TDS: Total Dissolved Solids found in water. The harder the water the higher the TDS

Non-Corrosive Sanitizer: A near neutral pH sanitizing solution of less than 200 ppm of FAC, that kills certain class of germs at a log5 level in 30 seconds or less.

Non-Corrosive Disinfectant: Typically, a solution above 200 ppm of FAC.

FAC: Free Available Chlorine

HOCl: Hypochlorous Acid

NSF: National Sanitization Foundation. NSF independently tests, audits, certifies, trains and consults for the food, water, health science, sustainability and consumer product sectors.

ETL (UL): The ETL (UL) Mark usually means that the product was independently tested and meets or exceeds the established publish standards

EPA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

FDA: U.S. Food and Drug Administration

CDC: Centers for Disease Prevention and Control

NOSB: National Organic Standards Board

TURI: Toxic Use Reduction Institute

Log Reduction: The numerical value of reduction of the pathogen killed or deactivate. For example, 99.9 = log3; 99.99 = log4; 99.999 = log5 reduction.

FAQs Question: What do Onsite Generators do?
Answer: On-Site Generator (OSG) creates cleaning, degreasing and sanitizing solutions from minerals, water and electricity using a technology called electrochemical activation (ECA). Here's how it works. One of the natural minerals that GenEon uses as a catalyst is salt. Salt is a compound comprised of sodium and chloride. Sodium ions are positively charged and chloride ions are negatively charged. GenEon Onsite Generators expose these ions to a low electrical charge. The positive side of the charge electrochemically converts the chloride ion (Cl) to hypochlorous acid (HOCl), which is a powerful sanitizer. The negative side of the charge electrochemically converts the sodium ion (Na) into sodium hydroxide (NaOH), which is a cleaning compound commonly found in soaps and detergents. Unlike many other OSG systems, GenEon's system is a Blended Stream System that uses both versions in the same solution. The hypochlorous solution is represented as Free Available Chlorine (FAC) that has 80-200 times the sanitizing power of chlorine bleach. HOCl is approved by the U.S. EPA, FDA and USGA and the CDC noted in their 2008 Guideline for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities, "The concept of electrolyzing saline to create antiseptics or a disinfectant is appealing because the basic ingredients (salt and tap water) are inexpensive and the end product does not damage the environment."

The cleaners and degreasers are non-toxic and per TURI the clean and degrease as well as the leading products in the market.

Question: What is GenEon's Non-Corrosive Sanitizer?
Answer: Is a near neutral pH sanitizing solution that kills certain class of germs at a log5 level in 30 seconds or less. For Food Contact and Food Contact Surface a ppm of FAC of 50 – 200 ppm of FAC. Anything chlorinate solution above 200 ppm of FAC requires a rinse with potable water. Solutions with a near or neutral pH is considered non-corrosive and will not damage surfaces. HOCl generated by OSG was approved by the U.S FDA Supplemental 2009 Food Code and subsequent revisions since. It has also been approved by the NOSB for use on organic products

Question: What is a Non-Corrosive Disinfectant?
Answer: Typically, a solution above 200 ppm of FAC. For a solution to be classified as a disinfectant, it must have EPA approval and must meet the criteria outline in EPA's "OCSPP 810.2200: Disinfectants for Use on Hard Surfaces Efficacy Data Recommendations", additionally the manufacturer must have and including microbiological efficacy studies done at an EPA Certified lab under GLP standards. GenEon's Disinfecting Solution has been approved by the U.S. EPA As a Broad-Spectrum Disinfectant.

Question: Is Sustainability the same as Green?
Answer: At GenEon we believe there is a distinct difference between Sustainability and Green. Below is how we look at the two concepts:
  • Green is the science of ensuring that the solutions people are working with are safe for the user and the environment. The focus is only on the safety of the solution.

  • Vs.

  • Sustainability goes well beyond the focus of only the solution. Sustainability considers the entire life of how a product is used, its impact on the user the environment including the waste stream and all aspects of a products footprint
Question: What is GLP (Good Lab Practices)?
Answer: GLP specifically refers to a quality system of management controls for research laboratories and organizations to ensure the uniformity, consistency, reliability, reproducibility, quality, and integrity of testing including the security and storage of all records associate with the test.

Question: What is pH?
Answer: pH is a scale from 0 – 14 uses to measure the acidity of alkalinity of a solution. Neutral pH is 7. Less than 7 pH is consider acidic; Greater than 7pH is consider alkaline

Question: Is hypochlorous harmful to humans and pets?
Answer: No! In fact, hypochlorous acid is produced in the human body. This compound mimics the human body's production of the natural antimicrobial hypochlorous acid, synthesized by white blood cells offering a safe and non-hazardous solution to clean and sanitize. Additionally, numerous studies have found that hypochlorous acid is not harmful to humans or pets at concentrations produced by GOSG.

Question: What is Free Available Chlorine (FAC)?
Answer: FAC is the portion of the total chlorine containing the hypochlorous ion to dissolve the cell wall of pathogenic and non-pathogenic organisms.

Question: What is the Cleaning Electrolyte used for?
Answer: The Electrolyte used for creating the Glass and General-Purpose Cleaners and Degreasers is a natural additive that is used in food. When used with the GOSG device, it creates an excellent cleaner and degreaser.

Question: If hypochlorous acid is a chlorine solution will it cause corrosion?
Answer: Any chlorine compound causes some corrosion. One of the enhancements to the core technology that GenEon has made is to create the solution with fewer chloride ions; therefore, the rate of corrosion with electrolyzed water from our machines is drastically reduced. The absence of actual salt crystals in the solutions also virtually eliminates any corrosive effect on most metal surfaces. Finally, hypochlorous acid kills microorganisms so quickly, within ten seconds in some cases, that it can be wiped dry long before the opportunity for corrosion exists.

Question: Does the solution produced by the OSG kill bacteria and viruses?
Answer: When used as directed the solution produced by OSG kills a broad spectrum of gram positive and gram-negative bacteria, deactivates viruses and penetrate and kills spores. Independent lab tests have demonstrated that the sanitizing/disinfecting solution kills or deactivate bacteria, viruses, spores and other pathogens including: Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Salmonella enterica, Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. coli O157:H7and viruses including: Murine Norovirus MNV-1 (Human Norovirus Surrogate) and Poliovirus CHAT Lsc1, bacteriophage MS2, Mycobacterium terrea Tuberculosis, HIV, Hep A, B & C, Herpes 1 & 2, Athletes Foot, Parvo Virus, Campylobacter, etc.

Question: Will purchasing a OSG be cost effective and if so, how much money can be saved by replacing toxic chemical cleaners and sanitizers with electrolyzed water?
Answer: That really depends on what you use and how much you use. A number of GenEon customers have seen savings of over 70% after adapting GenEon products. Savings were not only realized on the reduce cost of traditional chemicals, but also in a reduction of absenteeism of students, decrease in Workers Comp claims and the elimination of damage to surfaces.

Question: Are there any safety benefits associated with electrolyzed water?
Answer: Yes, using these solutions eliminates chemical hazards. According to the EPA, 27,000 hotel workers are injured by chemicals every year. The California Department of Health conducted a study and they concluded that there is an increase of workplace asthma and other respiratory ailments that could be attributed to the use of chemical cleaners and sanitizers. The study also concluded that six out of all workers in the custodial industry are injured by toxic cleaners every year. GenEon's sanitizing and disinfecting solutions have low to no trace VOC and do not cause harmful side effects with workers due the skin irritation or harmful VOC. In addition, GenEon's patented cleaners and degreasers have ZERO VOCs and have no irritation to the skin.

Question: What are some of the other benefits of using the GenEon's OSGs?
Answer: The GenEon OSG system provides additional benefits to users by creating:
  • Healthy spaces
GenEon's OSGs is a safe choice for cleaning any space where the risks from chemical contamination must be managed, including cleaning around food, people, pets and individuals with respiratory ailments.
  • Healthy Environments
GenEon's OSGs reduces the need for chemical based cleaners and sanitizers/disinfectants that could have a harmful impact on the environment. Additionally, the solutions produced by GenEon does not have harmful materials like batteries that could have environmental consequences if not disposed of correctly.
  • Simple and Efficient
GenEon's OSGs are simple to use. After you have activated the solution, you can pour the solution in your own spray bottle. Additionally, employees do not need to be retrained on using the product. The solution can be sprayed directly onto a surface or on a wipe and be equally effective. Additionally, the solutions are color coded, with food grade dyes that are classified as GRAS by the FDA, so that the correct solution is easily identifiable by the user, thus reducing or eliminating the chances of misuse.
  • Increased savings
GenEon's OSGs will replace many common general-purpose cleaners and sanitizing chemicals, including toilet bowl cleaners. It also reduces the time and expense of ordering, receiving, and inventorying those chemicals.

Question: Has the disinfecting fluid been independently tested?
Answer: Yes, disinfecting has been extensively tested by EPA Certified Labs, NSF and other independent labs (see under Science) or email us at: info@geneontech.com and we will be happy to send you the lab reports

Question: Is the disinfecting fluid Safe to drink?
Answer: This is not recommended. The sanitizing solutions produced by GenEon on-site generators is food safe and can be used for sanitizing. It is also used for surface cleaning, sanitizing/disinfecting, but is not recommended for human or pet consumption. With that said, if you should inadvertently get some on your skin, it will not hurt you, but we recommend you rinse the area with fresh water.

Question: Can I use the disinfecting fluid with microfiber wipes?
Answer: Yes, this is recommended. For the best results always use a clean cloth

Question: How do I know if the sanitizing/disinfecting solution is safe to use and still active?
Answer: You can use chlorine test strips. Test strips are available for purchase from your GenEon distributor.

Question: For how long can I store the sanitizing/disinfecting solution?
Answer: Under normal conditions your disinfecting solution will remain active for 7 or more days. However, we recommend that you use it within 24 hours of production.

Question: For how long can I store the Heavy-Duty Cleaning/Degreasing solution?
Answer: The solution is stable and stays active for months. You can store and use this solution as needed.

Question: For how long can I store the Glass & General-Purpose Cleaning solution?
Answer: The solution is stable and stays active for months. You can store and use this solution as needed.
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